Explore our 2024 annual report as we reflect on the financial year 2023-24 and the progress we have made in the months since, recapping our global business activities, highlighting our key achievements, and looking ahead to the future of SmartestEnergy.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Roll in

To roll a new site into your existing SmartestEnergy electricity retail contract, download, fill in and sign the Roll-In Form (Link to pdf form), and email your request tohelp-aus@smartestenergy.com.au 
If your new site is a Greenfield site please complete our Greenfield Roll In Form (link to pdf form) 

If you are unable to download and complete the form, please email your request to help-aus@smartestenergy.com.au including the below information for the new site. 

Information to include: 

- Your current contract reference number or the contracted entity name

- Details of the new site, including

- NMI or meter serial number

- Estimated annual usage in Peak, Shoulder (NSW/ACT Only), Off Peak.

- Required roll in date

- Your contact details, name, phone and email. 

We’ll check that the volume of the new site is within your contracted roll in tolerance. If it is, we’ll process the roll in request. If it’s over, we will advise you and we may need to provide a new offer for the site.

Roll out

To remove a site from, your existing SmartestEnergy electricity retail contract, download, fill in and sign the Roll-Out Form (Link to pdf form), and email your request tohelp-aus@smartestenergy.com.au 

If you are unable to download and complete the form email your request to:help-aus@smartestenergy.com.au 

Information to include: 

- Your contact details (Name and contact number)

- Your current contract reference number or the contracted entity name

- NMI of the site(s) to roll out

- Required roll out date

- What's going to happen with the site(s)? Is someone else taking over, or does it need to be disconnected and meter removed?

- If there is a new occupant or responsible party (new owner or landlord) please provide Contact details for them

- If you require the power to be disconnected, please provide required disconnection date, and site contact details for a person that will be attendance at the site to provide access to the meter (Name and contact number) 

We’ll check if removing the site's volume is within your contracted roll out tolerance. If it is, we’ll raise the disconnection with the network if that is the required outcome and keep you updated. If the site is transferring to another party, we will attempt to work with them to manage the contract change.  

If it’s over your volume tolerance, we will advise you as there may be a contract termination fee applicable for exiting your contract early. 

It is worth noting that the existing contracted entity will remain financially responsible invoices issued for the site(s) until the power is either disconnected or transferred to a new entity or retailer.

How do I change my contact details?

If you need to add or change the contact details related to your SmartestEnergy electricity account(s) Please email your request to:help-aus@smartestenergy.com.au

Information to include: 

- Your SmartestEnergy account number(s) that the change is relevant to. Your account number can be found in the top right-hand corner of your SmartestEnergy invoice.

- If you are not yet a SmartestEnergy customer or have not received any invoices, please provide your current contract reference number or the contracted entity name.

- Details of the new contact (Name, Contact number, email address and position (accounts payable for example)

- If an existing contact is to be removed from the account, please provide the name of that contact and clearly state that you would like it to be removed from the account.

- If you have multiple sites that require multiple contact changes, please reach out to us and we can provide a template for you to complete and return to us. 

If we need to confirm any additional information with you, we will contact you to clarify.  

Once the updates have been completed on your account, we will send you an email confirmation that everything has been completed.

How do I arrange for a new supply installation/Greenfield site?

If you have a new large market (over 100 Amps) Greenfield connection that you need to organise a contract for please download our greenfield New Connect Form (pdf link), complete all required information and email the completed form to help-aus@smartestenergy.com.au

If you would like to roll a greenfield site into your existing contract, please download and complete our Greenfield roll-in form (pdf link)

Once we receive your request, we will contact you to work through the greenfield process. 


I’ve sold my business; how do I alter the name on my contract?

If you have sold your business/site and the new occupant wishes to take over your SmartestEnergy electricity retail contract. Please download and complete our novation request form (pdf link) and email the completed form to help-aus@smartestenergy.com.au

If you are unable to download and complete the form, please email your request to help-aus@smartestenergy.com.au and provide the below information.  

Information to include: 

- Your current contract reference number or the contracted entity name

- Business details of the new owner (Company Name and ABN)

- Contact Details of the new owner (Name and contact number)

- Required date of the contract novation 

Subject to ‘know your customer’ checks (including credit assessment), we’ll prepare the required documentation and send it to all parties.  

Your rates and any conditions will transfer to the new company from the effective date and well issue a final bill to your account. New invoices will go to the new account owner and we’ll work with them to manage the change.  

There will not be any disruption to the electricity supply, just a smooth transition to the new owners.

How do you add Renewable Energy or GreenPower to your contract?

If you wish to add our Renewable Energy product (link to product info) or Greenpower to you existing SmartestEnergy electricity retail contract, please send your request to help-aus@smartestenergy.com.au providing the desired % of voluntary LGC certificates you would like to add to your contract and the start date you would like to add them from. We will then get back to you with an offer and contract variation document for signing should you wish to go ahead. 

Can I terminate my electricity supply agreement with SmartestEnergy?

If you are considering terminating your agreement, please contact us to discuss your options. Depending on your contract terms, there may be applicable fees for early termination.