Explore our 2024 annual report as we reflect on the financial year 2023-24 and the progress we have made in the months since, recapping our global business activities, highlighting our key achievements, and looking ahead to the future of SmartestEnergy.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How is my smart meter read?

Rather than needing to be manually read each billing cycle, a smart meter is read remotely using radio communications points. The remote readings are collected by your metering provider and sent to us, so we can calculate your bill.

Why does someone need to access my premises if smart meter readings are taken remotely?

Your provider may need to test, maintain, inspect or alter the meter, so you must provide safe access if required

How do I get a smart meter installed?

We can arrange installation. A technician from the relevant Metering Services provider will do the work on our behalf. Contact us using the form below and we’ll get things started.

How long will installation take?

Expect it to take about an hour.  

Your power will be turned off and the technician will remove the current meter and replace it with a new one. The new meter will be tested, your power restored, and the old meter taken away. 

Will I need to shut down my power?

Yes, you’ll need to go through a shutdown process and consider: 

 - Can power be shut off during opening hours? 

 - Will your IT systems be affected and has your IT department been made aware? 

 - How long will it take and are there any other issues that will affect power shutdown arrangements?

How do I know my data is safe?

Smart meter data is secure and confidential. The collection, use and disclosure of meter data is subject to protection arrangements and confidentiality rules. By law, meter data can only be accessed by customers, a technician from the relevant meter data provider, your energy retailer and others who are entitled to it, for example authorised bodies, distribution networks or third-party service providers with your consent.

How do I see my meter data?

You can access and download your meter data 24/7 through the My Account portal. If you need access, please contact us to request your login details and guidance on viewing and downloading your data. 

Steps to extract meter data: 

  1. Go to the ‘usage’ section and select ‘export meter data.’
  2. Tailor your extract report by:

   - Selecting single or multiple NMIs as needed 

   - Specifying the desired date range 

   - Choosing from three different layouts 

   - Selecting from three interval options (5, 15, or 30 minutes) 

   - Downloading multiple sites into one compressed file 

If you have further questions or need assistance, please contact us using the form below. We'll ensure your contract runs smoothly.

I don’t have a smart meter, how do I read my meter?

Different types of meters can be used to record and display your usage. Each meter records and displays the information differently. 

For help reading your meter, contact our Customer Service team.

Benefits of meter readings

  • Accurate billing

    Regular readings ensure your payments remain in line with your usage.

  • Saving you time

    Readings are sent automatically so you don’t have to submit them.

  • See your energy use

    Understand how and when you use electricity.

  • Reduce energy usage

    Identify ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

  • Secure connection

    Our new generation of smart meters securely transfer your data using radio communications points. 

  • Managing supply and demand

    Smart meters provide data to help better manage supply and demand at national level.