If you have recently switched to SmartestEnergy Business (SmartestEnergy Business Limited) you'll need to provide us with your first reading manually. This enables us to start billing you correctly and the previous supplier to issue your final bill. Details of how to leave a meter reading are below. Once we have installed a smart meter, readings will be taken automatically.



The best way to leave us a reading is via your SmartWeb Online Account. You'll need to register first (if you've not already done so). It's very easy and only takes a few minutes; you just need your SmartestEnergy Business account number.

You'll then be able to log in and leave us a reading, as well as view your monthly bills, edit your account information and more.

> Register/ login to SmartWeb



Alternatively, call our 24/7 automated service on 0800 088 4581 to leave a meter reading. Please ensure you provide your account number and meter serial number. This can be found on your SmartestEnergy Business invoice.


How to read your meter

There are many types of meter including mechanical digital, electronic digital, dial and smart meter. Obtaining a reading from your meter is quite straightforward, learn how to do this via our useful customer guide:

> Meter reading guide


Frequently asked questions

  • Q. Why do I need to provide an opening meter reading?

    A. You'll need to provide us with your first reading manually, no matter what type of meter you've got. This enables us to start billing you correctly and the previous supplier to issue your final bill. Thereafter we will arrange to install a smart meter so readings can be taken automatically. If you already have a smart meter that is compatible to our service, we should be able to connect to it and take readings automatically.

  • Q. When do I need to provide a reading by?

    A. If you have just transferred to SmartestEnergy Business (SmartestEnergy Business Limited) please provide us with a reading within 5 days of your service start date. If you are awaiting a smart meter and wish to provide us with a monthly reading to avoid an estimated bill, please ensure they are submitted by the 25th of each month.

  • Q. I’ve already got a smart meter will this be compatible?

    A. We will check the compatibility of the meter once you have switched to SmartestEnergy. If we cannot obtain readings we will appoint for our meter operator to install the next generation of smart meter free-of-charge.

  • Q. I have a smart meter installed, why have I received an estimate?

    A. From time-to-time it may be necessary to issue a bill based on estimates, even if you have a working smart meter. This could be due to a poor or intermittent signal from your smart meter. Also depending on when we obtain the readings from your smart meter, a small part of your usage may be estimated up until the end of the calendar month. Any estimates are based on expected usage and industry information so will be as accurate as possible.