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Informer newsletter

Informer Issue 657 - 09/07/2024


This week's energy news headlines: The new Labour government is lifting the de facto ban on new onshore wind; Energy Secretary Ed Miliband sets out his priorities; Record levels of capacity were tendered on local flexibility markets last year. Our industry round-up includes the latest updates from Government departments and energy regulators.

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Informer Issue 656 - 02/07/2024


This week's energy news headlines: The UK stands at a crossroads for making enough progress to enable Net Zero; Phantom renewables projects are holding back progress on green investment; The head of the UK’s biggest business group urges the next government to prioritise green growth. Our industry round-up of the updates from Govt depts and energy regulators.

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Informer Issue 655 - 25/06/2024


This week's energy news headlines: The UK is increasingly attractive to global renewables investors; A report warns momentum is stalling on the energy transition; Industry leaders have welcomed a pledge to relax restrictions on onshore wind. Our industry round-up includes the latest updates from Government departments and energy regulators.

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