This form is for existing customers to notify us they are moving into a property supplied by SmartestEnergy. If you are moving out of a property we supply, please head to the “Tell us you’re moving in” page here.

Your Details

Subsidiaries (SEL)*:
Notifying Contact Name*:
Notifying Contact Tel*:
Notifying Contact Email*:
Notified by:
Customer Name (Company)*:
Account Number:
Site Address:
Postcode Site Address:
Meter Serial Number:
Date of COT (Format: DD/MM/YYYY)*:
Opening/Closing Reading:

New Occupant's Details

Please now provide details of the party that will become responsible.

Company or Individuals Name:
Registered Company Address:
Registered Company Address Postcode:
Billing Address:
Postcode Billing Address:
Company Registration Number:
Name of Contact: