Explore our 2024 annual report as we reflect on the financial year 2023-24 and the progress we have made in the months since, recapping our global business activities, highlighting our key achievements, and looking ahead to the future of SmartestEnergy.

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Low energy mode

We have tried to design smartestenergy.com to make it as accessible as possible but still visually interesting. To do this we have included a variety of features which are summarised below.

Images and ALT tags

We have avoided using excessive graphics within the website where possible to ensure quick download times and access to information which cannot be read when in image format.

Where images have been used we have added 'Alt' tags - text alternatives so that you can still see what the image is meant to convey even if it doesn't load or if you've have chosen to browse with the images switched off, or you are using something like a screen reader to read the web page rather than view.

Resizable text

We have been careful to make sure that we haven't fixed the size of the textual information on the website so that visitors who wish to can alter the font size on the screen to make it easier to read.

There are a number of ways to change the text size in your browser, the easiest way is to follow the following steps (in Internet Explorer):

Step 1: Select the "View" menu.
Step 2: Select the "Text Size" option from the menu.
Step 3: Click on the text size you want to view.

It is also possible to increase the size of the text by holding down the ctrl key on the bottom left hand row of the key board whilst using the scroll wheel on the mouse to increase (or decrease) the size of the text.

Language options and translations 

Despite our website and communications outputs being in English, we are happy to support you with translations of website pages and/or downloads of marketing materials, surveys or other documents (e.g. invoices) if required. Please email marketing@smartestenergy.com with any related requests.

Marketing materials in large formats or braille

If you require any of our marketing materials or other documents in large formats or braille, please email marketing@smartestenergy.com with any related requests. 

Coding standards

Although there is not a single definitive standard to use when coding, we have tried to make sure our site conforms to W3C standards for HTML and CSS scripts.

Adhering to these standards should make our site accessible across browsers which adhere to the same standards, and should make our pages more accessible to those using screen readers and similar devices.