Supporting Hammerson’s journey to net positive by 2030 | SmartestEnergy
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Case study Driving positive change in the system with Hammerson
Case study

Driving positive change in the system with Hammerson

Our partnership with Hammerson supports their net positive goals by supplying them with 100% renewable electricity.

01 Aug, 2019
1 min
Hammerson image

Hammerson’s journey to net zero

Hammerson, a leading owner, operator and developer of sustainable prime urban real estate, has reinforced its commitment to achieving net zero by switching to our 100% renewable supply. With a real estate portfolio exceeding £10 billion, this shift to clean, green energy is powered by a partnership that accelerates Hammerson's net positive ambitions and their journey towards a net zero future.

Net positive by 2030

Renewable energy plays a vital role in Hammerson’s net zero strategy, having already contributed to a 20% reduction in their carbon footprint by 2020. Now, it is key to achieving their next, more ambitious goal: becoming net positive for carbon emissions, water demand, resource use and socio-economic impacts by 2030.

Competitive pricing and ongoing support

When exploring renewable energy options, Hammerson found that the cost-difference between renewable energy and the standard grid provision was minimal, making it easier to procure.  

Through partnership with SmartestEnergy, they receive a competitive price for clean, green electricity. Since a portion of these costs is recharged to tenants through service charges, we enable Hammerson to fulfil their obligation to provide the best value for money while still sourcing 100% renewable energy. 

Beyond cost considerations, it was our responsiveness, data availability, and high-quality customer service that motivated Hammerson to make the switch to renewable energy with us.

Verified 100% Renewable Energy

We work closely with global sustainability leaders, the Carbon Trust so our customers can confidently procure and report renewable electricity.  

Their verification of our 100% renewable electricity products means Hammerson can trust that every megawatt hour of electricity they use has come from renewable sources backed with UK-recognised origin certificates.  

It also means they can report zero carbon emissions for purchased electricity when reporting using the market-based method in accordance with the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance.

Driving positive change

Hammerson are on a mission to deliver value for their stakeholders, connect communities and create a positive impact for generations to come, leading by example, with sustainability at the heart.  

In supplying Hammerson with 100% renewable energy, SmartestEnergy supports their vision, driving positive change in the system and making a significant step towards a cleaner energy future.

£10billion Worth of Hammerson retail destinations
2030 Hammerson’s goal to be Net Positive
100% Renewable energy, verified by the Carbon Trust

Buying renewable electricity is a way of reducing our emissions and meeting our target of being Net Positive by 2030. SmartestEnergy provides the responsive customer service we need to manage our portfolio, and it is nice to see them taking a leadership position in their industry with the Carbon Trust verification of their renewable electricity.

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