Explore our 2024 annual report as we reflect on the financial year 2023-24 and the progress we have made in the months since, recapping our global business activities, highlighting our key achievements, and looking ahead to the future of SmartestEnergy.

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Low energy mode

Access invoices

Get instant access to your invoice documents and consumption data through our online portal.

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Understand your invoice

Just like the rest of our services, your invoice is transparent and easy to understand.

See a sample invoice

Make a payment

Send your remittance to us with your SmartestEnergy account number.

Make a payment

eBilling Tutorial

Watch the short video below for a guide on how to use our eBilling platform.

Discounted energy

Some businesses may be eligible for a discount on their energy bill. Find out more about the available discounts and how to apply for them below.

Climate Change Levy (CCL) discount

Am I CCL exempt?

Energy-intensive businesses can obtain up to 92% discount if they sign a Climate Change Agreement with the Environment Agency via the relevant sector association. Other exemptions include domestic use, charities and businesses that use small amounts of energy. Check if you’re eligible here:

How is CCL calculated?

The charge is calculated using the CCL unit rate against the number of units used in that month. For example, if you have a 92% reduction, you would only be charged CCL on 8% of your total units used. 

How do I make you aware of my CCL reduction?

A PP11 CCL exemption form, available from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), must be completed and provided to us before the start date of your contract. 

CCL exemption forms cannot be backdated to the supply start date, although retrospective exemption may be granted up to a maximum of 4 years. The CCL exemption forms are valid for 5 years from the date of signature. 

Energy-intensive industries (EII) exemption

What is the EII exemption?

Companies operating in certain sectors can be eligible for a discount against of the costs of Contracts for Difference (CfD), Renewable Obligation (RO) and Small-Scale Feed in tariff (FiT). 

How do I know if I’m exempt?

To qualify for the exemption, a business must manufacture a product in the UK within an eligible sector and pass a 20% electricity intensity test – the ‘business level test’.  

You can find out more about eligibility here: 

How do I tell you I’m EII exempt?

If your application is successful, you’ll be issued with an EII certificate which needs to be provided to us.  

It’s valid for one year and you must apply for a new certificate before your current one expires.  

Reduced rate VAT

Can I get a VAT reduction on my energy bills?

You’ll pay the standard rate of VAT on your energy supplies unless your site qualifies as either domestic, educational or charitable non-business use, or if there is low usage across all meters on a site (De Minimis).  

You can find more information on eligibility here

What is De Minimis usage?

De Minimis is a low level of energy consumption based on the collective usage of all meters on a site. Anything under the De Minimis threshold is considered as domestic use by HMRC and will be charged at 5% VAT automatically. 

For electricity, the De Minimis threshold is below an average rate of 33 kWh per day or 1,000 kWh per month.  

What do I do if I’m eligible for a reduction?

If your supply qualifies for exemption due to domestic, charitable non-business, or education establishment purposes, you must complete a VAT Certificate of Declaration form and return it to your customer service executive. You can find the form here 

Suppliers can retrospectively apply this exemption depending on the effective date completed on the form. 

Frequently asked questions

How do I view my bill online?

You can view your bills online via our eBilling portal.

Log in via the 'access invoices' link or view our eBilling Tutorial above on this page.

How do I set up a Direct Debit?

If you wish to set up a Direct Debit to pay your bill, please contact us to request the required form. If you have any questions about Direct Debit, please contact your Customer Service Executive. 

Am I eligible for reduced rate VAT?

The standard rate of VAT will be applied automatically unless the site’s usage demand for a set billing period falls under the De Minimis ruling - less than 33 units/kWh per day. This level of demand is considered to be domestic for VAT purposes so the reduced VAT rate of 5% will apply. The reduced VAT rate of 5% incurs no CCL charge.

If your supply qualifies for exemption due to domestic, charitable non-business, or education establishment purposes, you must complete a VAT declaration form. Suppliers can retrospectively apply this exemption depending on the effective date completed on the form.

You can find the form here. Please return it to your Customer Service Executive.

How do I get a refund to my account?

Please contact your Customer Service Executive if you have questions about refunds for your account. 

Where do I send remittances?

Send your remittance with your SmartestEnergy account number to remittances@smartestenergy.com.