Explore our 2024 annual report as we reflect on the financial year 2023-24 and the progress we have made in the months since, recapping our global business activities, highlighting our key achievements, and looking ahead to the future of SmartestEnergy.

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Customer service commitment

We’re committed to providing outstanding customer service but we recognise we don’t always get things right. We welcome your views and opinions on how we can improve and if there is an issue with your account, or if you are unhappy with the level of service you have received from us, please let us know.

How to make a complaint

We've summarised the simple steps to making a complaint below. Please refer to our Complaints Handling Procedure document for further and detail and guidance.

Initial contact

The contact information is in our Complaints Procedure document, or contact you can contact your Customer Service Executive directly to let them know you’re dissatisfied. They will discuss the different ways we can resolve the issue and initiate our transparent complaints procedure.

Escalation process

During the complaints handling procedure, there are opportunities for the issue to be escalated internally if needed. If your complaint is of a complex natures, our full procedure can take up to eight weeks.


At any point during the procedure, your complaint may be resolved by way of an apology, an explanation, taking appropriate remedial action and /or awarding compensation in certain circumstances.

Further review

It’s unlikely we won’t reach an agreement within eight weeks, but as per our Complaints Handling Procedure, if you're unhappy you may be able to contact the Energy Ombudsman (Ombudsman Services), the Citizen’s Advice Consumer Service and /or Advice Direct Scotland for further help.

You can find contact details in our Complaints Handling Procedure document.


Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme

There is a requirement for suppliers to only work with TPIs, Brokers and Sub-Brokers who are signed up to the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme, outlined in regulation published in 2022, relating to micro business and small business customers. This scheme, managed by Ombudsman Services states that any TPI (including Aggregators and their Sub-Brokers) who service micro businesses and small businesses, must have an active registration with the scheme.
