Explore our 2024 annual report as we reflect on the financial year 2023-24 and the progress we have made in the months since, recapping our global business activities, highlighting our key achievements, and looking ahead to the future of SmartestEnergy.

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Low energy mode

    Make the switch

    Making the switch is easy with our 100% renewable supply options, which can be applied to all our fixed and flexible contracts. Whether you’re leading the way to net zero and looking for a traceable renewable supply or a Corporate PPA, or taking the initial steps to procure 100% renewable electricity, we have the renewable supply product for you.


    Traceable Renewable Supply

    A market-leading net zero product, providing your business with greater transparency to report exactly where your renewable power comes from.

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    What you get

    Traceability and transparency are essential for businesses reporting net zero carbon emissions. This product will give you the confidence and assurance in your renewable supply, with REGOs supplied from a ringfenced pool of named generators, held under PPAs with us. Your consumption will be matched  and allocated to REGOs at half hourly granularity via our industry leading technology platform, powered by Granular Energy.

    wind turbine

    Who it’s for

    Forward thinking, sustainability minded businesses looking to take their net zero reporting to the next level. This product has been tailored to comply with upcoming GHG protocol changes and adhere to the guidelines for the RE100 and UK Green Business Council.

    Why choose Smartest?

    Not only do we have a ringfenced pool of independent renewable generators assigned to this product, we guarantee you will only receive REGOs from generators less than 15 years old. With REGOs allocated at half hourly granularity throughout the year, you can report your Carbon Free Energy Score through an industry-leading platform.


    Standard Renewable Supply

    Independently verified 100% renewable electricity from a blend of generation sources, enabling your business to confidently report zero carbon for the energy you procure.

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    What you get

    On this product, you can be sure that every MWh supplied comes from renewable sources with UK- recognised origin certificates. Using our unique Emissions Factor Model, we allocate one origin certificate to every MWh, which ensures no double counting or under allocation of certificates.  To provide additional confidence this process is independently certified by the Carbon Trust, who conduct quarterly and annual audits and checks.

    women working

    Who it’s for

    If your business has just begun on the net zero journey this product is for you. It’s our simplest renewable option and is fully compliant with current GHG Protocol Scope 2 reporting standards.

    Why choose Smartest?

    As the first to market with this product in 2015, we’re leading the way to a greener future. Our robust certificate allocation process is independently verified giving your business the confidence to report zero Scope 2 carbon emissions. You’ll also receive an Energy Label every year with the data needed to complete your carbon reporting and showcase your carbon reduction.


    Natural Renewable Supply

    Verified 100% renewable electricity from natural generation sources including wind, solar, hydro and tidal. Confidently report zero carbon for the energy you procure.

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    What you get

    On this product, you can be sure that every MWh supplied comes from a natural renewable source, backed with UK- recognised origin certificates. Like our Standard Renewable product, we use our unique Emissions Factor Model to allocate one origin certificate to every MWh, which ensures no double counting or under allocation of certificatesTo provide additional confidence this process is independently certified by the Carbon Trust, who conduct quarterly and annual audits and checks.

    Solar panels

    Who it’s for

    This product offers a completely natural renewable fuel mix and is fully compliant with current GHG Protocol Scope 2 reporting standards.

    Why choose Smartest?

    Along with our Standard Renewable Supply, we were first to market with this product in 2015, empowering a greener future. Our robust certificate allocation process is independently verified giving your business the confidence to report zero Scope 2 carbon emissions. You’ll also receive an Energy Label every year with the data needed to complete your carbon reporting and showcase your carbon reduction.


    Specific Renewable Supply

    A bespoke renewable electricity supply product for companies with specific net zero goals.

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    What you get

    If you’re business has specific renewable requirements, such as sourcing renewable power from a local generator or a particular type of renewable technology, we’ll work with you to create a bespoke supply arrangement that aligns with your net zero goals.

    Winturbine in fields

    Who it’s for

    Designed for corporates that need something a little different from our Standard or Natural Renewable Supply options.

    Why choose Smartest?

    We understand that every business is different. With our flexible and transparent approach to contract structuring and a team that is well connected with renewable generators across the UK, we’re well placed to help.


    Corporate PPA

    Partner with a renewable generator on a Corporate PPA to power your business with 100% renewable power from a new-build project.

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    What you get

    By entering into a CPPA, you’ll commit to a long-term partnership with renewable generation site(s). Your business will be making a real difference in the UK’s net zero transition, enabling additionality, through this partnership with a new build project whilst achieving carbon neutrality and a level of price certainty for the contract term. 

    Who it’s for

    Are you ready to make a long-term renewable energy commitment with a renewable generator? If so, a Corporate PPA could be the next step on your net zero journey.

    Why choose Smartest?

    SmartestEnergy champion the growth of the independent generation sector and have done since we were established in 2001. We are experts in the renewable sector and experienced in long term, complex PPA agreements, making us a trustworthy, secure partner that’s well connected to UK renewable developers and project owners.

    Woman working on the laptop

    Carbon Footprint

    Windturbine on sea

    Sustainability credentials

    Woman smiling while using a laptop

    Lead the way

    wind turbine

    Future proof

    Unlock the benefits of renewable supply Download our renewable product guide

    Carbon Footprint

    Confidently report zero scope 2 emissions

    Sustainability credentials

    Demonstrate your commitment to net zero

    Lead the way

    Gain trust from consumers and your supply chain

    Future proof

    Partner with a forward thinking supplier to future proof your business on the net zero transition

    Frequently asked questions

    Are your renewable supply products independently verified?

    Our Standard, Natural and Specific Renewable Supply products are independently verified by the Carbon Trust, confirming that every megawatt hour is backed by UK-recognised renewable certificates, which we aim to source from small renewable generation projects.

    This means you can confidently report zero carbon emissions using the market based method in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Scope 2 Guidance and actively support the growth of independent renewables on the grid.

    Carbon Trust Verification logo

    *100% of the electricity supplied is renewable, backed by certificates of renewable energy guarantees of origin. Emission factor compliant with the GHG Protocol Scope 2 guidance and to be used for the ‘market-based’ method.

    **The Carbon Trust footprint licence is for SmartestEnergy only. Therefore, SmartestEnergy customers can display the label certificate in their offices, but cannot use in any external marketing materials.

    What is involved in the Carbon Trust verification process?

    Annually, the Carbon Trust assure that our supply products and their related fuel mixes comply with the quality criteria required by the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance. Their label is designed to give customers the confidence to report zero emissions for purchased electricity using the market-based method.

    A key part of the Carbon Trust verification process includes the regular monitoring of our renewable certificates allocation, ensuring we have enough certificates to match every renewable megawatt hour we supply. Further, guaranteeing our customers’ certificate-backed renewable electricity for the length of their contract. 

    Where can I access the Carbon Trust assurance statement?

    The Carbon Trust has made the following statement about their verification of our renewable electricity product:

    “Carbon Trust has assured that all of SmartestEnergy’s electricity products defined as ‘renewable’ are 100% backed by renewable certificates. The generation sources claimed for each renewable product are backed by renewable certificates of the corresponding technology.

    The emission factors associated with all of SmartestEnergy’s products (conventional and renewable) are reported in accordance with the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance. SmartestEnergy has embedded policies and procedures, which relate to the data collection, monitoring, reporting and checking, to achieve these ends.”

    How can I evidence my verified renewable supply?

    We commit to supplying credible renewable electricity products and ensure that we are transparent in what we offer and report on. This is evidenced in our supply product fuel mix, published annually. Our renewable customers also recieve an annual energy label to incorporate within their carbon reporting and corporate communications.

    How we're enabling the net zero transition

    400+ Independent renewable generation customers
    3.5 GW Renewable generation capacity
    2024 First Corporate PPA signed

    What our customers have to say

    We welcome Traceable Renewable Supply from SmartestEnergy to provide half-hourly matching and drive electricity production further towards genuine carbon neutrality.

    Dan Fernbank, University of Reading

    We are particularly pleased with the certification of renewable supplies for our entire portfolio helping us achieve our ambitions for sustainability.

    David Mead, JLL

    Over the past 5 years, we’ve had great opportunities to work with closely with SmartestEnergy to showcase our procurement of 100% natural renewable electricity and their innovative product development.

    Malcolm Webb, British Land

    SmartestEnergy really stood out as not only having a brilliant renewable energy product at a competitive price but also a proactive, adaptable and cost-effective management process.

    Caroline Hill, Land Securities

    SmartestEnergy provides the responsive customer service we need to manage our portfolio, and it is nice to see them taking a leadership position with Carbon Trust certification of their renewable electricity

    Kate Neale, Hammerson plc.