Customer Services



Office locations

Complaints procedure

Report energy theft

General enquiries



Customer Services

Please contact your Account Manager directly or contact the Customer Services Team using one of the options below:

  • If you are a broker partnering with our Business Division (SmartestEnergy Business), you can reach the relevant team by using these details: 

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Office locations

SmartestEnergy Business Limited:

SmartestEnergy Limited:

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Complaints procedure

Our aim is to give you excellent customer service, but we acknowledge that sometimes we might get it wrong. Please let us know as soon as you have a complaint so we can work with you to put it right quickly.

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Report energy theft

Tampering with electricity or gas meters can be dangerous. If you see or suspect energy theft, please report it to Stay Energy Safe by calling 0800 023 2777 or using their online form.

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General enquiries

Contacting us by phone is easy - in the first instance call SmartestEnergy Limited's central reception team via the below number:

Alternatively, please use the enquiry form below:

Enquiry form