Deemed rates

What is a deemed contract?

This is a contract which is applied following a change of tenancy when the new customer has not negotiated a bespoke contract with us or when a customer is on supply but have never had a contract with us. This type of contract has default published rates which are available below.

SmartestEnergy Limited is obliged under our supply license to publish a set of deemed rates for our supply of electricity and gas. The circumstances are set out in our terms and conditions.

SmartestEnergy Limited - electricity deemed rates:

See below our latest electricity deemed rates and terms and conditions (effective from 1st July 2024):

Former deemed rates publications are available on request. Please contact us here to request copies of these prior rates.

SmartestEnergy Limited - gas deemed rates:

See below our latest gas deemed rates and terms and conditions (effective from 1st July 2024):

Former deemed rates publications from SmartestEnergy Limited are available on request. Please contact us here to request copies of these prior rates.

Out of contract customers

What is an out of contract customer?

When an existing customer has not renewed their contract or moved supplier at the end of their contracted period or after their contract has terminated early, the terms and conditions of their terminated or expired contract will remain in force until the customer either enters into a new contract or we cease to be registered at all supply points. In such cases, the customer will be billed on our out of contract Rates. These rates are identical to our deemed default published rates which are available above.

Contact us

Depending on whether you are on deemed or out of contract rates, you may be eligible to leave our supply and seek an alternative contract elsewhere. To discuss deemed and out of contract rates, potential switching options, alternative contracts which may be available and any other related enquiries, please contact us.

Pricing information for Businesses customers (formerly Dual Energy):
The deemed and out of contract rates mentioned above don’t apply to SmartestEnergy Business Limited customers (formerly Dual Energy). Pricing information for Business customers is available here.