Independent Generator

With energy security a key focus within the political agenda, independent power generators continue to provide important resilience for Great Britain’s electricity grid as well as contributing to the rapid decarbonisation underway across the economy. 

Our UK Renewable Independent Sector report, provides a snap-shot of the UK independent generation market and highlights how independent generators are providing resilience amid the growing focus on energy security.  

Complete the form below to download the report, which covers:

  • The increasing diversity of independent generators - their current contribution to the generation mix and how they are bridging the gap to the future energy system
  • Unlocking the potential of energy storage - the challenges and opportunities facing the growing storage sector 
  • The renewable energy pipeline - adding new generation capacity to the grid and investment through the CfD scheme
  • The future outlook - progress towards decarbonisation targets amid ongoing development and regulatory challenges 

Complete the form to download the report now: