Explore our 2024 annual report as we reflect on the financial year 2023-24 and the progress we have made in the months since, recapping our global business activities, highlighting our key achievements, and looking ahead to the future of SmartestEnergy.

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Low energy mode

Regulatory information

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme

The introduction of new regulations regarding microbusiness customers and small business consumers means there is a requirement for suppliers to only work with TPIs, Brokers and Sub-Brokers who are signed up to the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme. 

This is a scheme managed by Ombudsman Services whereby any TPI (including Aggregators and their Sub-Brokers) who service microbusinesses will need to register with the scheme. More information can be found here.

Complaints and dispute settlements

For information on how we handle complaints including our formal complaints procedure, please view our complaints page here.

Emergency contacts and gas safety

For loss of power, gas safety and emergency contacts, click the link below

Escalated ET (Erroneous Transfer) queries

If you require assistance with an erroneous transfer query or escalation, please get in touch with your dedicated Customer Services Executive or visit our contact page here.

Fuel mix disclosure

As well as the basic fuel mix we're required to report, we publish a detailed fuel mix for each product so you know the breakdown of your supply. View our fuel mix information here.

Get a quotation

Large businesses can contact our C&I Division for a quote and to discuss flexible energy contract options here.  

If you are a micro business, you can get a fast, personalised quote from our subsidiary company (SmartestEnergy Business Ltd) using their SmartSwitch online tool. To get started, simply visit switch.smartestenergybusiness.com.

Modern slavery statement

SmartestEnergy is committed to taking steps where reasonably practicable to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place in any part of its own business or in any of its supply chains. 

Out of contract and deemed rates

To check the pricing for customers, please view our out of contract and deemed product information here.

Our smart meter obligations

Find out more about our Smart Meter Obligations below

Site access, fit and proper representatives

There are times when we will need access to your site, to either read, repair or inspect your meter. This statement sets out our obligations to you as your Supplier, under our Electricity Supply Licence (Condition 13: Arrangements for site access). This lets you know the standard of behaviour that you can expect from the Agents who visit your site on our behalf. If you would like a copy of this sent to you, then please let us know and we’ll be happy to help.  

This statement covers: 

  •      What to expect from our Agents

  •      How we manage that  
  •      How you can check who they are  
  •      How to get help or advice about a visit  
  •      A handy link to our Energy Saving Guid 

What to expect  

When visiting your site our Agents should be:  

  •      Polite and respectful  
  •      Safe  
  •      Able to explain the purpose for their visit.  
  •      Aware of any previously agreed access requirements  
  •      Professional, with the necessary skills to perform the job - or to give you a clear explanation of why they can’t 
  •      Able to provide you with a contact point for help and advice in relation to the electricity supply. 

Where an Agent is given extra information while on site that would be useful to add to your account for future reference, they will record this and let us know. This helps us to help you.  

If you have specific requirements, our Agent will try to meet these where possible, or if they can’t, refer you to a contact you can discuss your requirements with.  

How we manage our Agents  

Before visiting your site on our behalf companies sign agreements that commit to staff being fully vetted and properly trained. This is checked on an annual basis by us (and more frequently if concerns have been raised), internally by the companies themselves and in some cases also under Industry Code. We meet our Agents on a regular basis and require regular reporting on site visits from them.  

Checking the identification of representatives  

All our Agents must carry an identity card showing:  

  • Their name, employee number and signature and the company they work for  
  • A phone number you can call to confirm their identity if you want to.  
  • If they do not have a card, please do not let them in and call us.  

How to get help or advice about a visit  

If you have any concerns or questions during or after a site visit you can either contact the phone number on the Agent’s identity card or contact the Customer Services team on +44 (0)1473 234150. It would be helpful if you had your account number to hand.

Terms and conditions

View our latest service terms and conditions here.

2024 Consolidated Segmental Statements (CSS)

View the 2024 Consolidated Segmental Statements (CSS) below or download the PDF:

2024 Consolidated Segmental Statements (CSS)

                                            Click on image to see large in new window



Electricity supply emergency code

Electricity supply emergency code

The National Grid, who operate the UK’s electricity system, released its Winter Outlook Report which outlined a range of scenarios that could affect the UK over the coming Winter period. The Electricity Supply Emergency Code (ESEC) was highlighted as a precautionary measure in the ‘unlikely’ event that the UK experiences insufficient gas supplies to power homes and businesses across the country.

What is rota load disconnection?

The Government’s ESEC procedure outlines what is referred to as Rota Load Disconnection to make sure that during an energy emergency, such as a shortage of power, the nation’s electricity is distributed as equally and fairly as possible.

The purpose of Rota Load Disconnection is to reduce the demand for electricity to match the level of electricity generation that is available. To control the use of electricity during these emergency periods, the country is divided by block areas (known as Alpha Identifiers) which would be switched off in turn, for about three hours, according to the rota.

What is my alpha identifier?

Your rota block disconnection alpha identifier is available on the top right-hand corner of your invoice. 

You can also check your alpha identifier and local Distribution Network Operator (DNO) via the find operator tool at www.powercut105.com.

How will this impact my business?

We understand that the threat of a blackout or power outage will cause concern for our customers but must stress that this is a worst-case scenario. If the UK does suffer a power shortage, Rota Load Disconnection could be imposed on your block area, and we would advise taking reasonable steps to prepare a contingency plan that will minimise the impact to your business.

How long would I be without power?

The rota outlines that your business would lose power supply for a period of up to 3 hours per slot. At a low level of emergency, this could be a few times in a week. In a high shortage of supply, there may be several outage slots.

I can't locate my alpha identifier?

If we have not contacted you to confirm your Alpha Identifier, your postcode might not have been allocated one by your local Distribution Network Operator (DNO), or we might have an incorrect postcode. In any case, you can check your Alpha Identifier and DNO via the find operator tool at www.powercut105.com.

How can I plan for a power outage?

As with any power loss, you need a backup plan that minimises the impact to your business and that prioritises the health and safety of anyone on site. Whilst advance notice should be given of the rota outages, you should designate a safe area or route from the premises, with the aid of emergency lighting, and communicate this with staff and customers.

You should also aim to safely power down any heavy or sensitive electrical equipment, such as manufacturing machinery, and ensure that sufficient precautions are taken by trained individuals for when the power is restored.

How will disconnection be communicated?

The schedule of Rota Load Disconnections will be covered by the media and published through National & Local TV and/or Radio Stations, there will be clear announcements made utilising the Alpha Identifiers on your invoices. It is important that you remain informed of such coverage and be ready with a contingency plan.

What is a protected site?

Some businesses, public services, and other organisations are deemed protected sites and will be placed on the Rota Load Disconnection protected list. This means they will be given priority power supply in the event of shortage. They include hospitals, airports, docks, army, manufacturing plants, water, telecommunications etc. These sites have been assigned the Alpha Identify ‘V’.

How do I apply to be on the protected list?

Customers will need to contact their local Distribution Network Operator (DNO) if they believe they fall under any of the classifications of a protected customer.

If my power is cut off, will I need to reconnect my meter?

It depends on the type of supply meter you have installed, most will automatically switch back on once the supply becomes available, others may require you to manually push a reconnect button, typically located on the front of your meter.

Can I claim compensation for any loss or damage?

We would recommend that you speak to your business insurance company to check if any losses would be covered under your policy.

Will I still be charged for usage during an outage?

You will only be charged for the amount of electricity based on your meter readings. If you do not consume due to a planned power cut scenario, you will not be charged for electricity during the outage.

What is a small business?

A non-domestic consumer is defined as a small business if they meet one of the following criteria: Fewer than 50 employees or their full-time equivalent and an annual turnover of at most £6.5 million or a balance sheet total of £5.0 million, or an annual consumption of electricity of not more than 200,000 kWh (instead of the original minded to position of 500,000 kWh), or an annual consumption of gas of not more than 500,000 kWh

What is a micro business?

A non-domestic consumer is defined as a micro business if they meet one of the following criteria: Employs fewer than 10 employees (or their full time equivalent) and has an annual turnover or balance sheet no greater than £2 million Uses no more than 100,000 kWh of electricity per year Uses no more than 293,000 kWh of gas per year

Micro business customer information

Guaranteed standards of performance

Statement of obligations 

In accordance with the Electricity and Gas (Standards of Performance) Regulations (‘Standards’) - and any subsequently published amendments on Gov.uk, Suppliers have an obligation to meet certain applicable Standards for their Micro Business Customers. 

Please see our commitments to Appointments and Payment Obligations below, with more information available on the link above. 


The offer of an appointment for a visit from our preferred agents (e.g. a Meter Operator) within a 4-hour window. 

To not unreasonably deny any micro business customer a request for an appointment, so long as the appointment window is more than two hours. 

Payment obligations 

On any occasion when an applicable agent fails to attend an appointment booked for a micro business customer and/or the micro business customer is provided with less than one day’s notice of re-booking, the customer will be due a payment of £40. 

If the customer does not receive this payment within 10 working days, an additional £40 will be applied to the account. 

For more information regarding standards of performance relating to the Electricity Act or Gas Act, or for an individual copy of the above statement in full (in variety of formats), please contact us.

Moving premises

If you are a micro business customer moving premises, you must ensure that you contact us with your final meter readings and a forwarding address.

Refunds and micro business accounts with credit balance

We’re committed to ensuring that credit balances from closed micro business accounts are returned to customers as soon as reasonably possible. Here are the key points of our refund policy, but if you have any further questions, please contact us for a copy of our full refund policy. 

1. When we are notified that a micro business customer is leaving premises, we will ask for the final meter reading(s) and a forwarding address. 

2. When we send any communication relating to the final account of a micro business customer, we will make clear if there is, or might be, a credit balance on the account, and what the micro business customer needs to do to receive any credit 

3. Where we are reasonably satisfied that we hold the correct information, we will refund credit balances (based on a final actual meter read). Where the micro business customer requests it, and the credit balance is genuine, we will transfer the credit balance to another account of that customer 

4. Once we have the full and correct details, refunds of genuine credit balances will be issued to micro business customers within 28 days of the final bill and the funds clearing or as soon as reasonably practicable 

5. On a change of supplier, the losing supplier will treat the agreed meter reading (provided by the new supplier as part of the switching process) as a final actual meter read, subject to any disputed reads first being resolved 

6. Where an old credit balance is identified and the micro business customers’ identity can be verified, the credit will be transferred to the customer’s live account or will be refunded directly 

7. We will explore how, where a first attempt to refund a credit balance is unsuccessful (e.g. we have a former micro business customer’s actual address, but have not been provided with sufficient information to issue a credit refund), we could proactively follow up in a meaningful way any credit balances of a proportionate amount 

8. We will consider any reasonable valid historic claim to a genuine credit balance from a former micro business customer